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Media - Articles & Reports - Company Introduction (29 November 2023)

Report - Analysis of the Chinese PVC Industry (March 2021), by for the Danish Environmental Protection Agency and the PVC Information Council

Understanding the new Regulation and Rules for Business Suspension and Deregistration in China from 1 March 2022 (13 June 2022)

Understanding the new Regulation for Market Entity Registration in China from 1 March 2022 (16 December 2021)

Understanding the Regulations and Application Procedures for Chinese Outbound Direct Investment (4 November 2021)

Understanding Trademark Protection and the Revised Trademark Law of the PRC from 1 November 2019 (27 July 2021), Update

Understanding the Choice of Applicable Governing Law for Contracts in China (23 July 2021)

Understanding the Critical Success Factors of Doing Business in China - Lessons Learned No. 5-10, Part 2 (12 July 2021), Update

Understanding the Critical Success Factors of Doing Business in China - Lessons Learned no. 1-5, Part 1 (12 July 2021), Update

Understanding Bad Faith Trademark Registrations and Countermeasures in China (29 June 2021), Update

Understanding Design Patent Protection and the Revised Patent Law of the PRC from 1 June 2021 (17 June 2021), Update

Design Patents – How do you protect your products from copying and counterfeiting in China (16 June 2021), Update

Understanding Copyright Protection and the Revised Copyright Law of the PRC from 1 June 2021 (28 April 2021)

Understanding the Revised Patent Law of the PRC from 1 June 2021 (3 March 2021)

Understanding Profit Repatriation from China (24 November 2020), Update

Understanding the Rights and Obligations When a Fixed-term Employment Contract Expires (9 November 2020)

Understanding the Use and Validity of Non-compete Agreements under PRC Law (6 April 2020)

Understanding the Application of Force Majeure and Changed Circumstances under PRC Law (2 March 2020)

Understanding the Latest Preferential Tax Polices for Businesses in China  (23 January 2020)

Understanding China’s Labour (Contract) Law - Hiring and Firing in China  (25 December 2019), Update

Understanding China's New Foreign Investment Law from 1 January 2020  (22 October 2019)

Understanding Export VAT Refund in China (3 September 2018)

Understanding China’s Latest Reforms to the (FTZ) Negative List (9 July 2018)

Understanding Social Media Marketing Platforms in China (5 December 2018)

Understanding China’s Import Cross-border E-commerce Market - B2C (24 May 2018)

Understanding China's Food Safety Law and its Effect on Cross-border E-commerce

(7 December 2017)

Understanding China's FTZs and Foreign Ownership in E-commerce (22 Nov. 2017)

Understanding Singles' Day (11:11) & the Rise of O2O Retailing in China (15 Nov. 2017)

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